Trekking that makes you lose your breath
If you are searching for trekking in the Malaga area and are eager to discover the nature diversity in the area, the Malaga Mountains are an excellent recommended choice. Inside the park, there are 150 km of forest paths, of which 45 km are passable and in good condition.
Through the park there is ten routes which are proposed below. Routes: 2, 5, 6 and 7 are passable with vehicles, though at times some of them remain closed, allowing access only by foot.

Trekking route 1:Molinos de San Telmo – El Boticario.
In Los Molinos de San Telmo, next to the sanatorium of San Jose, past the houses we find a gate , here begins the journey to our right side along Arroyo Hondo. It is a dangerous area in which the Fire Department has had to intervene at times to rescue people plunged into the ravine.
– Lane open to traffic
– Length: 7 km
Trekking route 2: El Boticario – El Cerrado
Start at the Regional Road 345, at 5,5 km. Next to the inns of “El Mijeño” and “El Boticario”
– Lane open to trffic
– Length: 13 km
Trekking route 3: Don Ventura – El Cortijillo.
Start at the intersection with route 1 at 3,8 km
– Lane open to traffic
– Length: 12 km
Trekking route 4: El Cortijillo – Supide.
Start at the intersection with route 2 at km 8
– Lane open to traffic
– Length: 10 km
Trekking route 5: Las Contadoras – Don Timoteo – Jotron
Begin to the left of the landmark that is at km 2,2 km of route No. 6. At about 100 meters to the left is a gate of entry to “Las Contadoras”. Continue straight ahead.
– Lane open to traffic
– Length: 3,5 km
Trekking route 6: Fuente de la Reina – Torrijos
It starts at 5,5 km of the county road 345, to the left of the fountain of the Queen (Fuente de la Reina).
– Lane open to traffic
– Length: 9 km
Trekking route 7: Serranillo – Carretera Comarcal 345.
Start at the intersection with route No. 6 at 4,5 km. Behind us are the ruins of the winery Santillana. At 200 meters to our right, on top of a hill is the winepress of Chinchilla.
– Lane open to traffic
– Length: 8 km
Trekking route 8: Torrijos – Cocherilla del Dorador.
Start at the intersection with route No. 6 at 7,2 km near Torrijos.
– Lane close to traffic
– Length: 6,4 km
Trekking route 9: Maruján – El Dorador.
Start at the Regional Road 345 at 5,3 km. Access is blocked by a padlocked chain.
– Lane close to traffic
– Length: 7 km
Trekking route 10: Venta El Pinar – Lo Calvo – El Dorador.
Start behind El Pinar inn, located at 5,3 km of the local road 345. The access is blocked by a padlocked chain.
– Lane close to traffic
– Length: 10,5 km